Are You Ready To Create Sustainable Cash Months Through

Leveraging Simple Social Media Strategies?

Without Having To Spend Hours Creating New Content Everyday & Live On Your Phone 24/7!

Craft a profitable content strategy to reach your ideal client and generate leads and sales DAILY giving you back time in your day.

"Thank you so much. You are an amazing mentor! Your positivity flows though all of us, and the way you put things together for business is by far the best I’ve ever seen." - Debbie Weaver

Create a rinse & repeat content strategy to generate a 🚀 leads and consistent sales to scale your business to those $10k months and beyond in 6 months.

A mentorship academy to help you spend less time on social and more time living. Learn to grow on autopilot while you are unplugged, and generate sales on repeat so you never have to worry about what is in your bank account again.

The easiest way to stop the cycle of "I don't know what to post to make a sale" and wake every day knowing EXACTLY what their ideal client needs to hear for their content to convert to sales TODAY.

The Social Success Academy is an ACCREDITED 6-month group coaching program for the online entrepreneur who is ready to leverage social media to fill their inbox with their ideal clients and make sales on repeat!






🤯 Feeling overwhelmed by the algorithms of social media and struggling to

stand out in a crowded online space.... (your engagement is straight crickets)

😫 Lack of clarity on where to start, difficulty in creating engaging content, and frustration with

inconsistent or even worse... NO sales.... (ugh. you want to make this business work so bad)

😱 Feel like a fraud in your content promoting something that you have seen ZERO results with and you aren't sure how to show your audience the transformation you can provide... (imposter syndrome sets in)

😮‍💨 Feeling burnout by the constant demand to produce content multiple times per day and show up on social media 24/7... (especially when it's not producing a result)

🫠 Disappointment with yourself and your ability to "figure out" how to create the time freedom your were "promised" by what your Instagram feed fed you with an online business... (why isn't it working for you too)

🙄 Every day you are waking up thinking to yourself "What do I need to say today to make a sale?" and when the clock strikes midnight you feel defeated all over again... (you just want to see those payment notifications every day)

I know you are feeling frustrated by inconsistent sales…

It's already the 15th of the month and sales are up and down, here and there, totally unpredictable which makes you sweat...

You look at your views, your metrics, your link in bio clicks

to try and figure out what is missing...

You go from posting 2X a day to 3X a day thinking if you just post more it will generate some cashflow...

You spend hours consuming competitors content trying to solve the mystery of what exactly they're doing that you aren't...

But the problem might not be your content “creation” itself...

It's likely you're missing the secret sauce: a strategic content plan that

you can rinse & repeat over and over.

Here's the harsh truth 😬

Random posts are like throwing spaghetti at the wall - some might stick,

but it's a messy process with little control.

The Social Success Academy simplifies social media, helping you create a sales system using organic content marketing.


- Triple Your Engagement: Prioritize building genuine connections with your audience rather than relying on generic marketing tactics or copycatting other creators.

- Double Your Sales Conversion Rate: Watch as your sales notifications ping in your inbox, turning followers into loyal customers.

- Grow Your Audience by 50%: Picture your social media following growing with engaged fans who hang on your every word.

- Generate 100 New Leads: Say goodbye to the struggle of finding leads and generate hundreds if not thousands of new leads without doing any extra work.

- Save 10+ Hours a Week on Social Media Content Creation: Imagine reclaiming precious time spent on social media management, freeing up 10+ hours a week to focus on other aspects of your business or enjoy some well-deserved downtime.

But what does any of that mean really? 🤔

Here is what it can do for you...

🚢 You can finally take your kids on that Disney Cruise you keep eyeing because you know your business will generate sales while you are sailing to pay for it.

🥎 You can finally buy all the sports equipment your kids need without cringing in the store wondering what credit card to put it on.

👩‍💼 You can finally have predictability in your business revenue allowing you to leave that 9-5 you dread with fear of the "what ifs".

📵 You can finally unplug from social media without feeling like your business is going to collapse overnight if you aren't plugged in.

🍷You can finally have a date night with your spouse at that "special occasion only" restaurant on a random Tuesday without the only topic of discussion being money.

🏡 You can finally start marking off those "maybe one day" items off your wish list knowing you've created a full-time business that runs 24/7.

Creating Consistent Sales With Your Content Doesn't Have To Be Hard.

I'm willing to bet you are overcomplicating it.

In fact, using my rinse & repeat method, it's a proven framework to help you

achieve flawless content execution.

The Rinse & Repeat Method 👇

1. Plan content like you wrote a page from your ideal client's journal so you can convert sales faster.

2. Curate that content to fit the platforms your ideal client is on to create an omnipresence to grow your audience on autopilot.

3. Analyze the metrics that actually matter to recycle and repeat top performing content over and over.

4. Automate your sales process and workflows so you can unplug whenever you want.

When Your Create A Strategic Content System, You Will Be Able To...

Speak to your ideal client, to get across the right content, placing it on the right platform, at the right time, in the right format, using the right language to generate consistent sales. 💰

Which Really Means No More...

🙌 Second-guessing what type of content you should be posting.

⏰ Scrolling for hours looking for the latest tips, tricks, hacks, and trending audios to try to push vanity metrics.

📱Staying up late a night to "engage more" hoping that it'll boost your algorithm somehow.

👻 Ghosting your business for days because you are having a content block or feeling burnt out.

With hundreds of social media gurus littering your feed with quick how to's and create 90 days of content in 3 minutes, it's so easy to feel defeated by what you should be doing, where you should be posting and how to show up as your true authentic self whilst making money.



Sam came into the program wanting to serve a community most would say wouldn’t be profitable.

After gaining alignment and clarity, she now has booked multiple in person speaking engagements, made more sales than before and feels happy in her business because she is serving who she truly wants

Drum Roll Please 🥁🥁🥁

The Social Success Academy is an ACCREDITED 6-month group coaching program for the online entrepreneur who is ready to leverage social media to fill their inbox with their ideal clients, turn their followers into paying clients and make sales on repeat!

This is not another generic marketing course teaching you educate, inspire entertain or telling you just "stay consistent"


Step 1: Your Offer & Audience:

First we will look at your ideal client & offers together as a whole.

We are going to deep dive into your clients head so you speak directly to them in your content to build trust.

Make sure your offer makes sense for your ideal client and how to position the transformation in your content and messaging. So you aren't selling just a product/service but a solution.

We will audit your current content, sales system, and audience to define your strengths, weaknesses, and a starting point for developing your content strategy.

All of this so that you don't waste months continuing to do what currently isn't working! Slowing down to SPEED up!

Step 2: Leveraging Content For Success:

Develop strategic content plan of engaging and relevant content aligned with audience desires to begin driving traffic to your social media.

Utilize storytelling to captivate audience attention and position your offer as the solution to achieve ideal clients desires.

Curate this content plan to create an omnipresence on your social media platforms so you are consistent in your messaging everywhere.

Learn how to plan and organize your content so you can batch create instead of creating on a whim everyday and get back hours of your time.

Analyze, Rinse, & Repeat regularly to continue optimizing your results!

Step 3: Lead Magnet Mastery:

Create an irresistible lead magnet tailored to audience needs so that you can generate leads on autopilot into your sales system.

Implement lead capture mechanisms on all social media platforms and develop email marketing campaigns to sell your offers any time of the day.

Drive traffic and leads through your customer workflow so you can position your offers as a ladder and sales to current customers with every offer.

Step 4: Crafting & Closing Conversations:

Learn strategies to overcome objections and build trust with potential customers in conversations.

Learn the art of selling and closing sales in the DM's. No more "what should I say to make this sale".

Learn techniques for starting conversations with your content to boost engagement and get your content seen and favored by the algorithms.

Use your conversations to position yourself as an authority in your space so working with you becomes a "no brainer".

Step 5: Automate To Dominate:

Learn strategies to automate your sales process. Think DM Automation, Email Automation, Content Scheduling, etc.



Structured Curriculum that is fully accredited - meaning not another B.S. training course with some surface

level marketing tips someone fed you from Youtube or Chat GPT.

⭐️ Implementation Strategies - you've already taken all the surface level trainings and it hasn't helped. Now it's time to take action. The Social Success Academy curriculum comes with ACTION steps and an execution plan!

Weekly Group Coaching Calls with Alyece where you actually WORK on your business. This is not another call with hundreds of people where you can't even get your questions answered. You've been there... done that!

Access to our Student Only Facebook Group to have your questions answered and get all the resources you need for your business.

Lifetime access to the back office with all the trainings you need to grow your business on social media.

⭐️ TWO 1:1 calls with Alyece to get specific on YOUR business, offer and YOUR IDEAL CLIENT. Not just another group coaching program where they give you fluff about "just do what Jim Bob is doing.. it's working for him".

⭐️ UNLIMITED Pocket Coaching to get your questions answered daily! No more waiting until next weeks call to hope someone gets around to you to answer your burning questions. Or even worse... student only support - YIKES 😬 - You have access to Alyece in your pocket daily to get support while you are in the program.

⭐️ Welcome Box - I mean who doesn't love gifts? You'll get a welcome box in the mail to make this virtual experience REAL & TANGIBLE to you so you know you have invested in yourself & committed to your business. Not just another course to sit in your inbox to watch months later.

⭐️ Weekly Check-ins to hold you accountable! You ain't ghosting on me... you are committed. This helps me help you weekly! No more jumping in and not hearing from anyone for weeks... I'm here to support YOU!

At the end of The Social Success Academy 🏆

You will have effective simple strategies for marketing, sales, and lead generation, leading to an increase in consistent sales! NO more overcomplicating. Students have come in and made their first sale in a week. 

You will develop new skills and expertise in your branding and messaging that will position you as an authority in the online space. Converting faster.  

You will learn time management and organizational skills, enabling you to work more efficiently and accomplish more in less time with a proven system. No more late nights on the gram.

Gain confidence in yourself and your ability to continue to grow and scale your business using the system you created making even the biggest income goal attainable.

Learn to prioritize you money making tasks so you aren't stuck in scroll hole anymore explaining to your family you just have to "post one more thing" while on a family outing.

Experience a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction as you see your businesses grow and succeed. No more resenting your business. Husbands have noticed enhanced moods. 

Improved relationships with family, friends, and colleagues as you become more confident and successful in their businesses and you overcome the fear of sharing it.

Finally, you will be able to relax, grab a glass of wine (or two!), and feel confident about creating an impactful business, more income + more freedom to enjoy all of life’s pleasures.

Your Investment Options:




Klarna funding options available,

click the button below

👑 2X Private Coaching Calls with Alyece (one in 1st month and one in 6th month)

👑 Private Channel Voxer Support (unlimited)

👑 Structured Accredited Curriculum

👑 Facebook Support and Community

👑 Weekly LIVE Training Calls 1 hour on Google Meet

👑 Weekly Office Hours for LIVE Feedback

👑 Custom-made Welcome Box

👑 Access to any workshops, trainings, challenges Alyece offers for FREE while in the program

👑 ​​Lifetime access to the back office

👑 Access to all previous academy call replays for extra training support

👑 HUNDREDS of templates you can plug into your business for everything from email marketing, content prompts, business binders and so much more

$16,000+ VALUE

1 X PAYMENT OF $2997



👑 2X Private Coaching Calls with Alyece (one in 1st month and one in 6th month)

👑 Private Channel Voxer Support (Unlimited)

👑 Structured Accredited Curriculum

👑 Facebook Support and Community

👑 Weekly LIVE Training Calls 1 hour on Google Meet

👑 Weekly Office Hours for LIVE Feedback

👑 Custom-made Welcome Box

👑 Access to any workshops, trainings, challenges Alyece offers for FREE while in the program

👑 Lifetime access to the back office

👑 Access to all previous academy call replays for extra training support

👑 HUNDREDS of templates you can plug into your business for everything from email marketing, content prompts, business binders and so much more

$16,000+ VALUE


The Social Success Academy is a dual accredited online program by the ACOP council so you can feel comfortable knowing you are in good hands!

Not something created by ChatGPT or that I learned from TikTok. 😬


The Social Success Academy teaches you the aligned strategy for building an intentional and solid foundation for your business by implementing simple social media strategies for lead generation and sales!

⭐ You can do this even if you don’t have a lot of followers on Social Media.

⭐ You can do this even if you have no clue where to start with strategy.

⭐ You can do this even if you have no idea how to "sell" on social media.

⭐️ You can do this even if you are no tech genius.

⭐ You can do this even if you haven't had consistent sales in your business

yet or five-figure months.


Alyece Smith is a mompreneur of 3, the owner of Socially Ausome and a published author.

She is a certified Social Media Marketing Expert and Branding Strategist with over 5 years of experience in Digital Marketing in Corporate America. She is passionate about empowering online entrepreneurs to implement simple social media strategies into their businesses to humanize their brand online.

After leaving corporate and launching her first online business in

June of 2022, Socially Ausome hit 6 figures in less than 6 months by implementing SIMPLE SOCIAL MEDIA Strategies 💸

Now, Alyece helps others elevate their online presence by making it simple, social, and ausome! Now helping almost 300 students in all her offers!

She graduated from The University of Southern Mississippi and is a certified Customer Service Xperience Officer.

FUN FACT: AUSOME is spelled differently to encourage you to show up on social authentically and uniquely. Caiden, her middle child, is on the Autism Spectrum, and as an Autism family, they have learned to be unapologetically unique. It was the inspiration and push needed to start her journey in entrepreneurship.

Don't Just Take My Word For It 😅

I'm Calling You Out 😬

☑️ You are a online entrepreneur who wants to create an impact and make money doing it.

☑️ You want to feel financially secure in your business so that you can stop worrying about the lack of funds in your bank account.

☑️ You are desperately wanting to share your gifts with the world because you know that what you have to offer can change people’s LIVES.

☑️ You have already started your business but have no idea how or are struggling to attract + sign high-paying clients.

☑️ You want to be a part of a community of like-minded entrepreneurs, where you support each other, hold one another accountable, and where you can celebrate the successes and milestones in your business 🎉


When does Social Success Academy Start?

Social Success Academy opens up to accept students periodically in the year. Your term runs 6 months from when you enroll.

Will I get 1:1 private coaching?

1:1 Private Coaching calls (2X) are available in for you while in the program. You can book your first one immediately!

How do I know I’m going to get a return on my investment?

You will get what you put in. If you are ready to learn, implement what I teach, and do whatever it takes, I am confident you will find success.

Have a Look at the Curriculum:

Reminder Of What You Get:




Klarna funding options available,

click the button below

👑 2X Private Coaching Calls with Alyece (one in 1st month and one in 6th month)

👑 Private Channel Voxer Support (unlimited)

👑 Structured Accredited Curriculum

👑 Facebook Support and Community

👑 Weekly LIVE Training Calls 1 hour on Google Meet

👑 Weekly Office Hours for LIVE Feedback

👑 Custom-made Welcome Box

👑 Access to any workshops, trainings, challenges Alyece offers for FREE while in the program

👑 ​​Lifetime access to the back office

👑 Access to all previous academy call replays for extra training support

👑 HUNDREDS of templates you can plug into your business for everything from email marketing, content prompts, business binders and so much more

$16,000+ VALUE

1 X PAYMENT OF $2997



👑 2X Private Coaching Calls with Alyece (one in 1st month and one in 6th month)

👑 Private Channel Voxer Support (Unlimited)

👑 Structured Accredited Curriculum

👑 Facebook Support and Community

👑 Weekly LIVE Training Calls 1 hour on Google Meet

👑 Weekly Office Hours for LIVE Feedback

👑 Custom-made Welcome Box

👑 Access to any workshops, trainings, challenges Alyece offers for FREE while in the program

👑 Lifetime access to the back office

👑 Access to all previous academy call replays for extra training support

👑 HUNDREDS of templates you can plug into your business for everything from email marketing, content prompts, business binders and so much more

$16,000+ VALUE


Socially Ausome. does not give any guarantees on results or earnings with our information, courses, programs. masterclasses, challenges, coaching, plans, tools, or strategies.

You recognize and agree that no person or part of the Socially Ausome. brand has made any implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations or guarantees whatsoever to you about future results or earnings, or that you will earn any money, with respect to your purchase of Socially Ausome programs, courses, trainings, masterclasses, challenges, or coaching, and that we have not authorized any such implication, promise, or representation by others. There are no guarantees of results or future earnings.

This Site Is Not A Part Of The Facebook Website Or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This Site Is NOT Endorsed By Facebook In Any Way. FACEBOOK Is A Trademark Of FACEBOOK, Inc.